The ILS-Africa Board of Directors oversee the business of ILS-Africa between the General Assemblies. Board of Director’s meetings are held on a regular basis at various places in Africa. Between Board of Directors meetings, most general business is supervised by the President and the Secretary General.
The Board of Directors is by Constitution empowered to:
- Implement the decisions of the General Assembly.
- Subject to the Statutes, approve and modify the Bye-Laws.
- Appoint and dissolve Commissions, Committees and Working Groups including their composition, membership, terms of reference and working procedures.
- Approve the conditions and criteria concerning merits.
- Establish, maintain, publish and distribute the calendar of the ILS-Africa activities.
- Adopt the activity report and the future projects.
- Submit to the General Assembly all proposals which it has agreed upon.
- Determine fees for regional publications, awards, competitions and other matters as necessary.
- Appoint and dismiss such officers and employees of ILS-Africa as the Board considers necessary to carry on the day to day business of ILS-Africa.
- Adopt regulations (position statements) to guide the management of ILS-Africa.
- Enter into strategic alliances and other collaborative arrangements with national, African and other external organisations.
Within the framework of the authority provided in the Bye-Laws, the Board of Directors may delegate its day-to-day affairs to the President, the Secretary General, or one or several of its Members or to agents.

The composition of the 2024-2028 Board of Directors is:
- President: Sameh El Shazly (Egypt) (**), also responsible for the North Zone.
- Secretary General: Helen Herbert (South Africa).
- Vice-President of the Central Zone: Mr. Serge Guy Nguichie (Cameroon).
- Vice-President for the East Zone: Mr. Job Kania (Kenya).
- Vice-President of the South Zone: Mr. Viraj Ramharai (Mauritius).
- Vice-President for the West Zone : Mr. Abderazzak El Aoud (Morocco).
- Board Member: Colonel (ret) Abdelkader Chekroun (Algeria) (**).
- Board Member: Mr. David Kwasi Afezame (Ghana) (**).
- Board Member: Mrs Mounia Melhaoui (Maroc) (**).
- Board Member: Mr. Djamel Derbali (Algeria).
- Board Member: Mr. Zakariaho Kanoute (Ivory Coast).
- Board Member: Mss Ingy El Shazly (Egypt).
- Board Member: Mr. Mohamed Amin Abdoo (Egypt).
- Board Member: Mr. Njie Yorro (Gambia).
- Board Member: Mr. Patrick Olumide Campbell (Sierra Leone).
- Board Member: Mr. Winston Meyer (Afrique du Sud).
- Board Member: Dr. Abdou Gafarou Gbadamassi MD (Togo).
- Board Member: Mr. George William Mukasa (Uganda).
- Board Member: Dr. Mziwoxolo Mayedwa (President of the Academy).
(**) These persons are representing the ILS-Africa Region in the ILS Board of Directors.